Athlete & Community Resources

Resources for athletes, families, and the community

Find additional information, resources, and tools to help you improve and protect the health and safety of people with and without intellectual disabilities.

Online Resources- These are websites that provide factual information about healthy relationships, sexual health, and other related topics.  These are helpful for athletes and their family members who are looking for more information on these topics. 

Video Resources- These are websites that offer short, factual, educational videos about healthy relationships and sexual health topics for a variety of ages.  

Helplines- These are websites that offer support through phone helplines or live online chatlines.  These helplines are staffed by people who are trained, so they can answer your questions and provide support. 

Local Resources- These are organizations that offer services within Arizona.  Some of these organizations offer services around healthy relationships and sexual health and some offer other services like legal services, disability services, medical, housing, etc.  

General Resources- These are websites that offer information about reproductive and sexual health rights for people with disabilities.  

Project Partners:

  • Affirm: With the support of Title X funding, Affirm coordinates sexual and reproductive healthcare services, connects clients to caring providers, and offers inclusive health education.
  • Bloom365: The mission of Bloom365 is to prevent teen dating abuse before it starts through education, advocacy and intervention. Bloom 365 has a goal of training and activating Peer Advocates and Trusted Adult Allies across the United States to uproot abuse in a generation.
  • Mad Hatter Wellness: Mad Hatter Wellness is built on the vision of a world that provides and promotes equitable health and wellness education for all people. Mad Hatter Wellness creates comprehensive sexual health education programming that educates, trains, and empowers people with intellectual disabilities and their support systems.


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